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HiPCO CNTFET Bio Sensors


The research on the biosensors attracted the researcher’s interest recently. The biosensors are differentiated based on their sensor devices and biological material used. The major classifications of biosensors are Electrochemical Biosensor, Piezoelectric Biosensors, Thermometric Biosensor, Optical Biosensor and Wearable Biosensors[1].

These biosensors find various applications in fields like food technology, healthcare, life science and environmental applications. Among which the field-effect transistor (FET) based biosensor attracted more interest due to their unique properties like ultra-sensitivity detection, mass-production capability, and low-cost manufacturing[2]. Various nanomaterials have been used to develop the semiconducting channel for FET fabrication. The most used materials are carbon nanotubes, graphene, nanowires, metal and metal oxide, and nanohybrids[3]. Among all, the carbon nanotubes based FET offers improved performance compared to other CMOS when it comes to power consumption and speed. This feature is very important for the biosensor application[4]. It also provides ultrasensitivity to the biomolecules[5].

High surface area, crystallinity and electrical property of the single-walled carbon nanotubes define the performance of the BioFET device. Easing the charge transfer between SWCNT and biomolecules expected improve performance[6]. SWCNT synthesized via HiPCO process offers high crystallinity and high surface area due to their high aspect ratio.

NoPo HiPCO nanotubes have an aspect ratio up to 3300 with a diameter of 0.6 -1nm and length ranging between 400 to 2000nm. NoPo HiPCO material brings together the perfect material properties to develop a reliable biosensor.


[1] “What is a Biosensor – Principle, Types of Biosensors and their Applications,” ElProCus – Electronic Projects for Engineering Students, 12-Nov-2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 17-Jul-2019].

[2] Y.-C. Syu, W.-E. Hsu, and C.-T. Lin, “Review—Field-Effect Transistor Biosensing: Devices and Clinical Applications,” ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol., vol. 7, no. 7, pp. Q3196–Q3207, Jan. 2018.

[3] A. C. M. De Moraes and L. T. Kubota, “Recent Trends in Field-Effect Transistors-Based Immunosensors,” Chemosensors, vol. 4, no. 4, p. 20, Dec. 2016.

[4] Habib Muhammad Nazir Ahmad, Kazi Muhammad Jameel, Mohammad Shafquatul Islam, Arman Riaz Ochi, and R. Hafiz, “Design and analysis of a CNTFET-based potentiostat for bio medical sensing application,” in 2014 International Conference on Advances in Engineering Technology Research (ICAETR – 2014), 2014, pp. 1–4.

[5] S. Joshi, V. D. Bhatt, A. Märtl, M. Becherer, and P. Lugli, “Regenerative, Highly-Sensitive, Non-Enzymatic Dopamine Sensor and Impact of Different Buffer Systems in Dopamine Sensing,” Biosensors, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 9, Mar. 2018.

[6] X. Tang, S. Bansaruntip, N. Nakayama, E. Yenilmez, Y. Chang, and Q. Wang, “Carbon Nanotube DNA Sensor and Sensing Mechanism,” Nano Lett., vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 1632–1636, Aug. 2006.

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